Antimicrobial Resistance and Its Impact on Health

Antimicrobial Resistance and Its Impact on Health
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to global health, undermining the effectiveness of treatments for common infections. This book deals with the mechanisms by which microorganisms develop resistance to antimicrobial agents, the factors driving the rise of AMR, and the consequences for healthcare systems and patient outcomes. It explores strategies to combat resistance, including antimicrobial stewardship, development of new drugs, and infection control measures. With comprehensive analyses and real-world examples, this book serves as an essential resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers seeking to address the challenges of antimicrobial resistance and mitigate its impact on public health. It highlights the urgent need for coordinated global efforts to manage and prevent AMR.

Author(s) Bio

Dylan Ortiz is a microbiologist specializing in antimicrobial resistance and its impact on human health. His research investigates the mechanisms by which microorganisms develop resistance to antibiotics and the consequences for treatment of infectious diseases. Dylan has authored numerous studies on the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance, stewardship programs, and the development of new antimicrobial agents. He has edited key texts that address the challenges and strategies related to combating antimicrobial resistance. Dylan’s work is essential in addressing one of the most pressing public health threats, improving the management of resistant infections and preserving the efficacy of existing antimicrobials.

9781837401284, Antimicrobial Resistance and Its Impact on Health, Microbiology