Ayurvedic Medicine: Healing from an Ancient Perspective

Ayurvedic Medicine: Healing from an Ancient Perspective
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Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian system, emphasizes balance between body, mind, and spirit to promote health and prevent disease. This field explores herbal remedies, dietary practices, and lifestyle modifications based on individual constitution (doshas). Understanding Ayurveda offers alternative approaches to achieving holistic well-being. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of Ayurveda, covering concepts such as doshas, herbal treatments, dietary guidelines, and therapeutic techniques aimed at restoring balance and health.

Author(s) Bio

Theo Graham is a distinguished dermatologist specializing in Ayurvedic Medicine and its applications in modern dermatology. His research delves into ancient healing practices, including herbal treatments, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes for skin health. Theo has published extensively on the integration of Ayurvedic principles with contemporary medical practices to enhance patient outcomes. He has developed Ayurvedic treatment protocols that complement modern dermatological therapies.

9781837401802, Ayurvedic Medicine: Healing from an Ancient Perspective, Integrative and Alternative Medicine