Yoga and Meditation for Mental Health and Stress Relief

Yoga and Meditation for Mental Health and Stress Relief
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Yoga and meditation are practices that promote mental health and stress relief through physical postures, breathing techniques, and mindfulness. This field explores the psychological and physiological benefits of these practices, including reduced anxiety, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function. Integrating yoga and meditation into healthcare offers holistic approaches to managing mental health. This book deals with the therapeutic applications of yoga and meditation for enhancing mental well-being, covering various techniques, their benefits, and evidence-based practices for reducing stress and improving mental health outcomes.

Author(s) Bio

Eliana Wallace is a dermatologist with a specialized interest in the benefits of yoga and meditation for mental health and stress-related skin conditions. Her research examines how these mind-body practices can alleviate stress, reduce inflammation, and improve overall skin appearance. Eliana has authored numerous studies on the integration of yoga and meditation into dermatological treatment plans. She has developed holistic treatment protocols that incorporate these practices to enhance patient well-being and skin health.

9781837401833, Yoga and Meditation for Mental Health and Stress Relief, Integrative and Alternative Medicine