Fundamentals of Psychiatry for General Practitioners

Fundamentals of Psychiatry for General Practitioners
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Fundamentals of Psychiatry for General Practitioners covers the essential aspects of psychiatric disorders relevant to primary care settings. This field includes the diagnosis, management, and referral processes for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial for general practitioners to provide comprehensive mental health care. This book offers a concise overview of key psychiatric conditions and their management within primary care, covering diagnostic criteria, treatment options, and strategies for effective patient communication and referral.

Author(s) Bio

Piper West is a renowned dermatologist with expertise in the intersection of psychiatry and dermatology. Her research focuses on the psychological aspects of skin conditions, including the impact of mental health on dermatological outcomes. Piper has authored numerous studies on the fundamental principles of psychiatry relevant to general practitioners managing skin disorders. She has developed training modules that help general practitioners integrate psychiatric considerations into dermatological care.

9781837401857, Fundamentals of Psychiatry for General Practitioners, Psychiatry and Psychology