Emergency Surgery: Quick Decision-Making in Trauma

Emergency Surgery: Quick Decision-Making in Trauma
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Emergency surgery often involves life-or-death decisions in high-pressure situations. This book focuses on the principles of trauma care, covering rapid assessment, surgical techniques, and postoperative management in emergency settings. Topics include managing blunt and penetrating injuries, hemorrhage control, and damage control surgery. It underscores the importance of teamwork, clinical acumen, and adaptability in delivering effective emergency surgical care.

Author(s) Bio

Emma Webb is a leading dermatologist specializing in emergency surgery related to traumatic skin injuries. Her research investigates the rapid assessment and management of acute dermatological trauma, including lacerations, burns, and abrasions. Emma has authored numerous studies on effective surgical interventions and post-operative care protocols to optimize healing and minimize scarring in emergency settings. She has developed standardized procedures that ensure swift and effective management of traumatic skin injuries.

9781837402113, Emergency Surgery: Quick Decision-Making in Trauma, Surgery and Surgical Techniques