Challenges in Antibiotic Drug Development

Challenges in Antibiotic Drug Development
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The growing threat of antibiotic resistance has made the development of new antibiotics a pressing need. This book explores the challenges facing antibiotic drug development, from scientific hurdles in identifying novel compounds to economic and regulatory barriers. It highlights innovative approaches, such as bacteriophage therapy and antimicrobial peptides, while emphasizing the importance of global collaboration in combating resistance. This resource is indispensable for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers focused on preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Author(s) Bio

Sophia Ferguson is a leading dermatologist specializing in the challenges of antibiotic drug development, particularly in the context of dermatological infections. Her research explores the barriers to developing new antibiotics, such as antibiotic resistance, regulatory hurdles, and economic factors, and their impact on treating skin infections like acne, cellulitis, and folliculitis. Sophia has authored numerous studies on innovative approaches to overcome these challenges, including novel antibiotic targets and alternative antimicrobial strategies. She has developed comprehensive strategies that address antibiotic resistance and enhance the development of effective dermatological antibiotics.

9781837402472, Challenges in Antibiotic Drug Development, Pharmacy