Herbal Remedies for Chronic Diseases

Herbal Remedies for Chronic Diseases
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Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis require long-term management strategies, and herbal remedies offer complementary therapeutic options. This book explores the use of herbal medicines in managing chronic diseases, detailing their pharmacological mechanisms, efficacy, and safety profiles. It covers a range of herbal interventions for various chronic conditions, supported by clinical studies and evidence-based research. Additionally, the book discusses the integration of herbal remedies into conventional treatment plans, addressing issues related to dosage, formulation, and patient adherence. Designed for clinicians, pharmacognosists, and healthcare providers, it provides comprehensive guidance on utilizing herbal remedies to enhance chronic disease management and improve patient outcomes.

Author(s) Bio

Thomas Anderson focuses on herbal remedies for managing chronic dermatological diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. His research explores the long-term efficacy and sustainability of herbal treatments in chronic skin conditions. Thomas has published extensively on integrating herbal therapies into standard care plans for improved patient adherence and outcomes. He also offers strategies for clinicians to incorporate herbal remedies into the management of chronic skin diseases, promoting holistic and effective long-term care.

9781837403141, Herbal Remedies for Chronic Diseases, Pharmacy