Phytomedicine for Infectious Diseases

Phytomedicine for Infectious Diseases
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Phytomedicine offers promising alternatives for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, particularly in the face of rising antimicrobial resistance. This book explores the use of plant-based medicines in combating infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. It covers the pharmacological mechanisms of phytomedicines, their efficacy in clinical and preclinical studies, and their role in integrated disease management strategies. Additionally, the book discusses the challenges of standardizing phytomedicines, ensuring safety, and conducting rigorous scientific evaluations. Designed for infectious disease specialists, pharmacognosists, and pharmaceutical researchers, it highlights the potential of phytomedicine as a vital component in the global fight against infectious diseases.

Author(s) Bio

Jennifer Lewis explores phytomedicine as a solution for treating infectious skin diseases, leveraging plant-based antimicrobials. Her research focuses on the efficacy of herbal compounds in combating bacterial, viral, and fungal skin infections. Jennifer has published extensively on the use of phytomedicines to manage conditions like acne, cellulitis, and dermatitis. She provides guidelines for clinicians to incorporate phytomedicine into infectious disease treatment protocols, promoting effective and natural antimicrobial therapies for skin health.

9781837403257, Phytomedicine for Infectious Diseases, Pharmacy