Pesticides and Human Health: The Environmental Toxicology Perspective

Pesticides and Human Health: The Environmental Toxicology Perspective
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This book investigates the toxicological effects of pesticide exposure on human health from an environmental perspective. It covers the pathways of pesticide exposure, mechanisms of toxicity, and associated health risks such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. The book emphasizes the need for safe pesticide usage, regulation, and mitigation to protect public health. Suitable for toxicologists and public health professionals, it advances the understanding of pesticide impacts on human well-being.

Author(s) Bio

Zane Castaneda explores the toxicological impacts of pesticide use on human health from an environmental perspective. His research focuses on how pesticide residues in air, water, and soil contribute to health issues such as cancer, neurological disorders, and endocrine disruptions. Zane has developed risk assessment models to evaluate the exposure and effects of pesticides on populations. He has published numerous studies on the environmental pathways and human health implications of pesticide contamination. As an editor, Zane provides guidelines for toxicologists and public health professionals to assess and mitigate the risks associated with pesticide use, promoting safer agricultural practices and healthier communities through informed toxicological strategies.

9781837404582, Pesticides and Human Health: The Environmental Toxicology Perspective, Environmental Toxicology