Food Toxicology: Understanding Chemical Exposure in the Diet

Food Toxicology: Understanding Chemical Exposure in the Diet
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This book explores the sources and effects of chemical exposures through dietary intake. It covers contaminants like pesticides, additives, and environmental pollutants, detailing their toxicological profiles and health risks. The book emphasizes risk assessment, dietary guidelines, and strategies to minimize harmful exposures from food. Ideal for food scientists and toxicologists, it advances comprehensive understanding of dietary chemical toxicology.

Author(s) Bio

Isla Valencia specializes in food toxicology, focusing on understanding the sources and effects of chemical exposures in the human diet. Her research explores how contaminants like pesticides, food additives, and environmental pollutants enter the food chain and impact human health. Isla has developed comprehensive assessment tools to evaluate dietary exposures to harmful chemicals and their toxicological effects on the body. She has published numerous studies on the mechanisms of food toxicant action and strategies for reducing exposure through dietary modifications and regulatory measures. As an editor, Isla provides guidelines for food toxicologists and public health professionals to study and mitigate chemical exposures in the diet, promoting safe and healthy eating practices through informed toxicological assessments and interventions.

9781837405138, Food Toxicology: Understanding Chemical Exposure in the Diet, Food Toxicology