Blood Alcohol Concentration and Forensic Toxicology: Determining Legal Implications

Blood Alcohol Concentration and Forensic Toxicology: Determining Legal Implications
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This book explores the measurement and interpretation of alcohol levels in forensic contexts. It covers the methodologies for assessing blood alcohol concentration (BAC), the effects of alcohol on behavior and physiology, and the legal standards for impairment. The book emphasizes the role of forensic toxicologists in providing accurate BAC assessments for legal proceedings such as DUI cases. Suitable for forensic toxicologists and legal professionals, it promotes the understanding of alcohol's legal and toxicological implications.

Author(s) Bio

Weston Barr is an expert in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and forensic toxicology, particularly in determining legal implications for criminal justice. Weston has authored multiple studies on the use of BAC data in legal cases. He serves as an editor for works on forensic toxicology and its role in law enforcement. His research focuses on the intersection of toxicology and legal proceedings.

9781837405428, Blood Alcohol Concentration and Forensic Toxicology: Determining Legal Implications, Forensic Toxicology