Healing Minds: Core Principles of Psychiatric Nursing

Healing Minds: Core Principles of Psychiatric Nursing
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This book focuses on the therapeutic principles that guide psychiatric nursing practice. It covers the significance of building trust, offering support, and applying appropriate interventions for patients with mental health disorders. The text emphasizes the importance of empathy, cultural sensitivity, and holistic care in psychiatric nursing. It explores key therapeutic techniques and their application in diverse settings. This book is an indispensable resource for nurses seeking to understand and implement the core principles of psychiatric care in their practice.

Author(s) Bio

Knox Cochran is an authority on the core principles of psychiatric nursing, with a focus on understanding mental health from both scientific and humanistic perspectives. His work includes the development of care strategies that integrate evidence-based treatments with patient-centered care. Knox has authored several influential publications on the intersection of psychology, nursing, and healthcare, focusing on effective treatment modalities for individuals with psychiatric conditions. He emphasizes resilience-building techniques and the importance of maintaining dignity in the care of psychiatric patients. As an educator, Knox trains psychiatric nurses to approach care with compassion and scientific rigor. His research seeks to advance the practice of psychiatric nursing for better patient outcomes.

9781837405923, Healing Minds: Core Principles of Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing