Resilience and Recovery in Psychiatric Nursing

Resilience and Recovery in Psychiatric Nursing
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This book examines how nurses can foster resilience in patients recovering from mental health challenges. The book explores concepts of recovery-oriented care, emphasizing the importance of hope, empowerment, and patient-centered approaches in treatment. It provides strategies for nurses to support patients in developing coping mechanisms and overcoming adversity. The text also addresses the importance of self-care for psychiatric nurses, ensuring they maintain their own resilience while supporting others. This book is vital for nurses dedicated to supporting recovery processes in psychiatric settings.

Author(s) Bio

Dylan Corona is a specialist in resilience and recovery in psychiatric nursing, focusing on how patients with mental health disorders can regain stability and well-being. His work highlights strategies for fostering resilience through therapeutic relationships, patient empowerment, and community support. Dylan’s research emphasizes the importance of recovery-oriented practices in psychiatric nursing, which prioritize the individual’s strengths and capacity for self-determination. He has authored numerous articles on promoting recovery-focused care models within psychiatric nursing. As an educator, Dylan trains nurses to incorporate recovery principles into their practice to support patients in their mental health journeys. His work seeks to improve long-term outcomes for individuals with mental health conditions.

9781837405954, Resilience and Recovery in Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing