Schizophrenia and Psychiatric Nursing Care

Schizophrenia and Psychiatric Nursing Care
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This book offers in-depth coverage of the assessment, treatment, and nursing care of patients with schizophrenia. The book discusses the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, the role of medications, and evidence-based therapeutic interventions. It emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in managing schizophrenia and promoting recovery. The text includes case studies and practical tips for nurses working in acute and community settings. This book is a crucial resource for psychiatric nurses dedicated to providing high-quality care for individuals living with schizophrenia.

Author(s) Bio

Layla Dillon is an expert in schizophrenia and psychiatric nursing care, specializing in the unique challenges of treating patients with schizophrenia. Her work explores the clinical management of schizophrenia, including medication regimens, psychotherapy, and holistic care strategies. Layla has published extensively on the importance of early intervention and long-term management of schizophrenia to improve patient outcomes. She advocates for a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to care that involves nurses, psychiatrists, and social workers. As an educator, Layla trains psychiatric nurses to provide comprehensive care for individuals with schizophrenia. Her goal is to enhance care strategies and improve the lives of those affected by this condition.

9781837406043, Schizophrenia and Psychiatric Nursing Care, Nursing