The Essentials of Psychopharmacology for Nurses

The Essentials of Psychopharmacology for Nurses
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the pharmacological treatments used in mental health care. The book covers the major classes of psychiatric medications, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anxiolytics. It explains the mechanisms of action, side effects, and nursing considerations for each drug class. The text also emphasizes the importance of patient education and monitoring to ensure safe and effective medication use. This book is an invaluable resource for nurses looking to deepen their understanding of psychopharmacology in the psychiatric nursing field.

Author(s) Bio

Eden Foley is a specialist in psychopharmacology for nurses, focusing on the role of medication in treating psychiatric conditions. Her work involves examining the pharmacological treatments available for mental health disorders and their nursing implications. Eden has published research on the safe administration and monitoring of psychiatric medications. As an educator, she teaches nurses the essentials of psychopharmacology to improve patient care.

9781837406203, The Essentials of Psychopharmacology for Nurses, Nursing