Integrating Nutrition and Lifestyle in Psychiatric Care

Integrating Nutrition and Lifestyle in Psychiatric Care
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This book explores the intersection of mental health and physical well-being, focusing on how nutrition and lifestyle choices influence psychiatric disorders. The book provides strategies for psychiatric nurses to incorporate nutritional interventions and promote healthy habits in patients' treatment plans. It covers the impact of diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management on mental health and recovery. The text also discusses how psychiatric nurses can collaborate with dietitians and other healthcare professionals to provide holistic care. This book is a valuable resource for nurses looking to enhance their patients' well-being through lifestyle and nutrition interventions.

Author(s) Bio

Dylan Harding integrates nutrition and lifestyle in psychiatric care, exploring how diet and lifestyle choices impact mental health. His research highlights the role of nutrition in managing psychiatric disorders and improving patient outcomes. Dylan advocates for holistic care approaches that combine psychiatric treatment with dietary counseling and exercise. As an educator, he trains nurses to incorporate lifestyle changes as part of a comprehensive care plan.

9781837406340, Integrating Nutrition and Lifestyle in Psychiatric Care, Nursing