Pharmacology Essentials in Medical-Surgical Nursing

Pharmacology Essentials in Medical-Surgical Nursing
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This book explores the essential pharmacological knowledge that nurses need to effectively manage medications in medical-surgical practice. The book covers drug classifications, mechanisms of action, side effects, and nursing responsibilities when administering medications. It emphasizes the importance of safe medication administration and patient education. The text also includes pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics relevant to clinical practice. This book is vital for nurses in medical-surgical settings who need to manage and monitor the pharmacological aspects of patient care.

Author(s) Bio

Layla Howe is an authority on pharmacology essentials in medical-surgical nursing, focusing on the safe administration and monitoring of medications in surgical care. Her research includes studying the pharmacodynamics of medications commonly used in medical-surgical settings. Layla advocates for a solid understanding of pharmacology to ensure patient safety. She trains nurses to manage medications effectively and prevent adverse reactions.

9781837406494, Pharmacology Essentials in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing