Holistic Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing

Holistic Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing
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This book focuses on providing patient-centered care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals in medical-surgical settings. The book discusses the principles of holistic nursing, emphasizing the integration of mind-body techniques, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications into patient care. It covers the importance of understanding the whole patient and involving them in their own care decisions. The text also discusses how holistic approaches can improve patient satisfaction and outcomes. This book is an essential resource for nurses seeking to incorporate holistic practices into their care routines.

Author(s) Bio

Mila Landry is an expert in holistic care in medical-surgical nursing, focusing on addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of surgical patients. Her research explores how nurses can integrate complementary therapies and patient-centered approaches to care. Mila advocates for a comprehensive view of patient well-being that includes body, mind, and spirit. She trains nurses to adopt holistic care principles in medical-surgical settings.

9781837406708, Holistic Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing