Preoperative Nursing: Patient Assessment and Prep

Preoperative Nursing: Patient Assessment and Prep
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This book provides essential guidelines for preparing patients for surgery, from initial assessment to preoperative interventions. The book covers comprehensive patient evaluations, including medical history, physical exams, and lab work. It discusses how nurses can prepare patients emotionally and physically for the surgical procedure, addressing concerns and providing education. The text also includes guidelines for managing preoperative medications, anesthesia considerations, and patient safety. This book is a critical resource for nurses involved in preoperative care and preparation.

Author(s) Bio

Carter Massey is an expert in preoperative nursing, specializing in patient assessment and preparation for surgery. His work focuses on evaluating patient risks, educating patients, and ensuring optimal conditions for surgery. Carter advocates for thorough preoperative care to minimize complications and enhance recovery. He trains nurses to assess, prepare, and educate patients effectively before surgery.

9781837406814, Preoperative Nursing: Patient Assessment and Prep, Nursing