Nursing Documentation for Medical-Surgical Units

Nursing Documentation for Medical-Surgical Units
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This book highlights the importance of accurate and timely documentation in providing quality patient care. The book covers the key components of nursing documentation, including assessment data, care plans, interventions, and patient outcomes. It emphasizes the legal and ethical implications of documentation and the role it plays in improving patient safety and communication among healthcare teams. The text also discusses the use of electronic health records (EHR) and provides practical tips for ensuring proper documentation. This book is an essential guide for nurses to improve their documentation practices in medical-surgical units.

Author(s) Bio

Jackson Mathews is an expert in nursing documentation for medical-surgical units, emphasizing the importance of accurate and timely record-keeping in surgical nursing. His work includes developing best practices for documentation in compliance with legal and ethical standards. Jackson advocates for clear, concise, and comprehensive nursing documentation to improve patient care and communication. He educates nurses on effective documentation practices in medical-surgical settings.

9781837406838, Nursing Documentation for Medical-Surgical Units, Nursing