The Surgical Patient Journey: From Admission to Discharge

The Surgical Patient Journey: From Admission to Discharge
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This book provides a comprehensive look at the entire surgical experience from the nurse’s perspective. The book discusses each phase of the surgical journey, including preoperative preparation, intraoperative care, and postoperative recovery. It highlights the role of nurses in ensuring patient safety, managing pain, and providing education throughout the process. The text also addresses discharge planning, including follow-up care and self-care education to ensure successful recovery. This book is a key resource for nurses who are involved in the full continuum of care for surgical patients.

Author(s) Bio

Scarlett McCall specializes in the surgical patient journey, from admission to discharge, focusing on providing continuous care and support throughout the surgical process. Her research explores patient experiences and strategies to reduce anxiety and improve outcomes. Scarlett advocates for patient-centered care that emphasizes communication, preparation, and follow-up. She educates nurses on supporting patients through the entire surgical experience.

9781837406869, The Surgical Patient Journey: From Admission to Discharge, Nursing