Diabetic Foot Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing

Diabetic Foot Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing
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This book focuses on comprehensive care strategies for diabetic patients to prevent and manage foot complications. It covers assessment techniques, wound management, and the role of multidisciplinary teams in providing effective care. The text emphasizes patient education on proper foot hygiene, footwear selection, and early detection of neuropathy and vascular issues. Suitable for medical-surgical nurses, it promotes best practices to reduce the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers and amputations. Additionally, it includes case studies and protocols to enhance clinical decision-making in diabetic foot care.

Author(s) Bio

Stella McClure is a specialist in diabetic foot care in medical-surgical nursing, focusing on the prevention and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers and complications. Her research explores wound healing techniques, infection control, and pressure management. Stella advocates for proactive care and early intervention to prevent diabetic foot complications. She trains nurses to provide specialized care for diabetic patients in surgical settings.

9781837406883, Diabetic Foot Care in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing