Complex Patient Care in Medical-Surgical Units

Complex Patient Care in Medical-Surgical Units
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This book addresses the challenges of managing complex patient cases in medical-surgical units, including those with multiple comorbidities and high acuity levels. It covers advanced assessment techniques, integrated care planning, and coordination with multidisciplinary teams to ensure comprehensive care. The text emphasizes critical thinking, clinical judgment, and personalized interventions to meet diverse patient needs. Designed for experienced medical-surgical nurses, it includes case studies, evidence-based guidelines, and best practices for handling intricate clinical scenarios. Additionally, it explores strategies for optimizing resource utilization and enhancing patient outcomes in complex care settings.

Author(s) Bio

Caleb McKee is a leader in complex patient care in medical-surgical units, specializing in the management of patients with multiple comorbidities and high medical risks. His research focuses on developing care plans for patients with complex health needs, ensuring coordinated care across disciplines. Caleb advocates for a holistic approach to patient care, involving collaboration among healthcare providers. He trains nurses to manage complex cases effectively while ensuring quality care and patient safety.

9781837406975, Complex Patient Care in Medical-Surgical Units, Nursing