Pain Management in Critical Care Nursing

Pain Management in Critical Care Nursing
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This book provides comprehensive strategies for assessing and managing pain in critically ill patients. It covers pharmacological interventions such as opioids, non-opioid analgesics, and adjuvant medications, as well as non-pharmacological approaches like relaxation techniques and positioning. The book emphasizes the importance of regular pain assessment, individualized pain management plans, and monitoring for adverse effects to ensure patient comfort and recovery. Designed for critical care nurses, it includes pain assessment tools, protocols, and best practices for effective pain control in the ICU. Additionally, it explores the challenges of pain management in sedated or ventilated patients and strategies for addressing these complexities.

Author(s) Bio

Owen Nolan is a critical care nurse specializing in pain management for ICU patients. He has contributed to research on pain relief strategies and pharmacological interventions in intensive care. Owen serves as an editor for various critical care books focused on pain management in high-acuity environments. His professional interests include advancing pain management protocols and improving patient comfort in the ICU.

9781837407231, Pain Management in Critical Care Nursing, Nursing