Maternal and Newborn Nursing

Maternal and Newborn Nursing
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This book focuses on the care of mothers and their newborns throughout the perinatal period. It covers prenatal assessments, labor and delivery support, immediate newborn care, and postpartum monitoring. The book emphasizes the importance of bonding, breastfeeding support, and the identification and management of postpartum complications. Suitable for nurses in maternity and neonatal units, it includes comprehensive care plans, clinical guidelines, and evidence-based practices to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and child. Additionally, it explores family-centered care approaches and strategies for educating parents on newborn care and maternal health.

Author(s) Bio

Levi Pruitt is a nurse specializing in maternal and newborn nursing care. Levi has authored several papers on postnatal care and the development of newborns. He serves as an editor for nursing books focused on maternal and newborn health. His research interests include optimizing care for newborns in neonatal units and improving outcomes in maternal health practices.

9781837407361, Maternal and Newborn Nursing, Nursing