Guide to Midwifery and Obstetrics

Guide to Midwifery and Obstetrics
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This book provides comprehensive insights into the practice of midwifery and the management of obstetric care. It covers topics such as prenatal care, labor and delivery techniques, postpartum support, and the management of high-risk pregnancies. The book emphasizes evidence-based practices, patient-centered care, and the integration of midwifery roles within healthcare teams to optimize maternal and neonatal outcomes. Suitable for midwives and obstetric nurses, it includes detailed protocols, practical guidelines, and real-world scenarios to enhance clinical skills. Additionally, it explores the latest advancements in midwifery practices and the importance of holistic care approaches in obstetric nursing.

Author(s) Bio

Max Randall is an expert in midwifery and obstetrics, with extensive experience in maternal and neonatal care. Max has contributed to various publications on midwifery practices and childbirth management. He serves as an editor for several texts on midwifery and obstetric nursing. His research interests include improving midwifery education and advocating for evidence-based practices in maternal care.

9781837407385, Guide to Midwifery and Obstetrics, Nursing