Core Concepts in Obstetric Nursing

Core Concepts in Obstetric Nursing
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This book outlines the fundamental principles and practices essential for effective obstetric care. It covers topics such as fetal development, maternal physiology, common obstetric complications, and the nursing interventions required to manage them. The book emphasizes the importance of comprehensive assessments, individualized care plans, and patient education to support healthy pregnancies and deliveries. Designed for obstetric nurses, it includes key concepts, clinical guidelines, and case studies to reinforce understanding and application. Additionally, it explores the role of evidence-based practice in enhancing obstetric care and promoting positive patient outcomes.

Author(s) Bio

Iris Randolph specializes in core concepts in obstetric nursing, focusing on the essential skills required to provide quality care for pregnant women. Iris has authored numerous studies on safe maternity practices and obstetric nursing interventions. She serves as an editor for books on obstetric care and nursing. Her academic interests include improving nursing education and ensuring patient safety during labor and delivery.

9781837407392, Core Concepts in Obstetric Nursing, Nursing