Practical Obstetrics for Nurses

Practical Obstetrics for Nurses
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This book offers hands-on guidance for delivering effective obstetric care in various clinical settings. It covers essential skills such as fetal monitoring, labor induction, delivery assistance, and postpartum care, providing step-by-step instructions and practical tips. The book emphasizes the application of evidence-based practices, patient-centered care, and the importance of maintaining patient safety throughout the obstetric process. Designed for obstetric nurses, it includes clinical guidelines, procedural checklists, and case studies to reinforce practical skills. Additionally, it explores the management of common obstetric emergencies and the role of the nurse in facilitating positive birth experiences.

Author(s) Bio

Ryder Sexton specializes in practical obstetrics for nurses, focusing on the clinical skills needed to provide effective maternity care. Ryder has contributed to numerous studies and resources on practical obstetric care. He serves as an editor for practical obstetrics textbooks for nursing professionals. His professional interests include improving hands-on training in obstetric care and advancing nursing practice in maternity wards.

9781837407538, Practical Obstetrics for Nurses, Nursing