Essentials of Postpartum Care

Essentials of Postpartum Care
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Essentials of Postpartum Care focuses on the comprehensive nursing care required for women following childbirth. It covers immediate postpartum assessments, management of common postpartum issues such as hemorrhage and infection, and the promotion of maternal-infant bonding and breastfeeding. The book emphasizes patient education on postpartum self-care, newborn care, and the identification of complications such as postpartum depression. Suitable for postpartum nurses, it includes care protocols, clinical guidelines, and case studies to guide effective postpartum care practices. Additionally, it explores strategies for supporting families during the transition to home and ensuring the long-term health and well-being of both mother and child.

Author(s) Bio

June Snow is a nurse specializing in postpartum care, focusing on supporting women’s physical and emotional recovery after childbirth. June has written extensively on postpartum care practices and managing postnatal complications. She serves as an editor for books on postpartum nursing. Her research interests include enhancing postpartum recovery protocols and promoting mental health support for new mothers.

9781837407606, Essentials of Postpartum Care, Nursing