Principles of Radiologic Technology

Principles of Radiologic Technology
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principles of radiologic technology, focusing on the safe and effective use of imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. It covers the technical aspects of performing imaging procedures, including equipment operation, positioning, and radiation safety. The book also discusses the role of radiologic technologists in patient care, including preparing patients for procedures and explaining imaging results. Ethical considerations, such as patient privacy and informed consent, are addressed. This book is a crucial resource for students pursuing a career in radiologic technology.

Author(s) Bio

Juniper Arellano is an expert in the principles of radiologic technology, specializing in medical imaging techniques used for diagnosing and treating various health conditions. Her research includes the advancements in radiologic technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI. Juniper advocates for the safe and effective use of imaging technologies to improve patient outcomes. She trains radiologic technologists in the latest methods and best practices for conducting diagnostic imaging procedures.

9781837407934, Principles of Radiologic Technology, Allied Health