Healthcare Communication Skills

Healthcare Communication Skills
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This book provides a comprehensive guide to communication skills essential for healthcare professionals. It covers both verbal and nonverbal communication, with a focus on building rapport, listening actively, and delivering complex information in a clear and empathetic manner. The text also includes strategies for communicating with diverse patient populations, including those with language barriers and differing cultural backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on the importance of effective communication in improving patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment, and overall healthcare outcomes. This book is an indispensable resource for healthcare providers across all disciplines.

Author(s) Bio

Finn Avery is a healthcare communication specialist with a focus on enhancing communication skills in healthcare settings. His research addresses the role of effective communication in improving patient outcomes and team dynamics. Finn has authored numerous guides on conflict resolution, patient engagement, and professional communication. He is committed to improving communication training for healthcare providers.

9781837407989, Healthcare Communication Skills, Allied Health