Introduction to Dental Implants

Introduction to Dental Implants
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This book provides a comprehensive introduction to dental implants, focusing on their use as a long-term solution for missing teeth. It covers the different types of implants, surgical procedures, and post-operative care. The text discusses the benefits and risks of dental implants, including the importance of patient selection and implant site preparation. Emphasis is placed on the role of dental professionals in ensuring successful outcomes and minimizing complications. This book is an essential resource for dental professionals interested in implantology.

Author(s) Bio

Daphne Crosby is a renowned oral surgeon and implantologist with extensive experience in the field of dental implants. Her expertise encompasses the latest advancements in implant technology, surgical techniques, and patient care protocols. Daphne has authored numerous educational resources on the placement, restoration, and maintenance of dental implants, emphasizing evidence-based practices and innovative solutions. As a leading educator and clinician, she is committed to training dental professionals in the effective use of implantology to restore patient smiles and functionality.

9781837408566, Introduction to Dental Implants, Dentistry