Anatomy of Movement: Muscles and Motion

Anatomy of Movement: Muscles and Motion
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Movement anatomy investigates the relationship between muscles, bones, and joints to understand how the body performs actions and maintains stability. It’s pivotal in fields like physiotherapy, sports science, and biomechanics. This book is an essential guide for comprehending the biomechanics of movement. It explains the role of muscles in motion, offering visual aids and practical examples for learners. Physical therapists, fitness instructors, and athletes will find it invaluable for improving performance, preventing injuries, and understanding the mechanics of movement in a hands-on manner.

Author(s) Bio

Noah Jones is a Lecturer in Biomechanics and Kinesiology. He has contributed to over 70 articles and multiple chapters in anatomy textbooks. Noah’s research focuses on musculoskeletal anatomy and its implications in movement science. He has served as an editor for 3 books related to functional anatomy and movement. His areas of interest include sports anatomy, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.

9781837400041, Anatomy of Movement: Muscles and Motion, Anatomy