Hormones and Metabolism: Balancing the Body’s Chemistry

Hormones and Metabolism: Balancing the Body’s Chemistry
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Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, influencing energy production, glucose balance, and lipid storage. This book explores the interplay between hormones and metabolic pathways, detailing conditions like insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, and adrenal disorders. It highlights diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches, providing a practical guide for clinicians and medical students.

Author(s) Bio

Jayden Hall is a researcher specializing in the interplay between hormones and metabolism. His work investigates how hormonal regulation impacts metabolic pathways and overall health. Jayden has published extensively on the biochemical mechanisms involved in metabolism and metabolic disorders. His research addresses how imbalances in hormones like insulin and cortisol affect body weight, energy production, and disease risk. Jayden is committed to advancing metabolic health research and therapeutic interventions in endocrinology.

9781837400447, Hormones and Metabolism: Balancing the Body’s Chemistry, Hormones