Physiology of Aging: Cellular to Systemic Changes

Physiology of Aging: Cellular to Systemic Changes
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Aging impacts cells, tissues, and organ systems, resulting in decreased physiological function and increased susceptibility to disease. Understanding these changes is vital for promoting healthy aging. This book examines the physiological changes associated with aging, from cellular senescence and DNA damage to systemic effects on the cardiovascular, immune, and musculoskeletal systems. It highlights clinical strategies for managing age-related disorders and fostering longevity, providing valuable insights for geriatricians and researchers.

Author(s) Bio

Peyton Cooper is a gerontologist specializing in the physiological changes that occur with aging. His research focuses on how aging impacts cellular function, organ systems, and overall body health. Peyton has authored numerous studies on the biology of aging and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s. His work explores how lifestyle and environmental factors influence the aging process. Peyton’s research is instrumental in developing strategies to improve quality of life in aging populations.

9781837400690, Physiology of Aging: Cellular to Systemic Changes , Physiology