The Mechanics of Breathing: Respiratory System Physiology

The Mechanics of Breathing: Respiratory System Physiology
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Breathing involves intricate mechanical processes, including lung expansion, airway resistance, and muscular effort, to facilitate effective ventilation. This book examines the mechanics of breathing, focusing on topics like compliance, elastic recoil, and airway dynamics. It discusses how these factors are altered in conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clinical insights and imaging examples provide practical applications for diagnosing and treating respiratory disorders.

Author(s) Bio

Stella Kelly is a physiologist specializing in the mechanics of breathing and respiratory system physiology. Her research explores how the lungs, diaphragm, and chest wall interact to facilitate airflow. Stella has authored numerous studies on the biomechanics of breathing and its role in conditions like asthma and sleep apnea. Her work also investigates how physical activity and disease alter respiratory function. Stella is committed to improving respiratory health through a better understanding of lung mechanics.

9781837400812, The Mechanics of Breathing: Respiratory System Physiology, Respiratory System