Neuroendocrinology: Brain Hormone Interactions

Neuroendocrinology: Brain Hormone Interactions
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Neuroendocrinology studies the interactions between the nervous and endocrine systems, which regulate processes like stress, reproduction, and metabolism. This book examines the neural and hormonal pathways that mediate these interactions, focusing on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis and neurohormones like cortisol and oxytocin. It discusses disorders like Cushing’s syndrome and hypothalamic dysfunction, providing clinical insights and research advancements for endocrinologists and neuroscientists.

Author(s) Bio

Finn Rivera is a neuroendocrinologist specializing in the interactions between the brain and hormonal systems. His research examines how hormones influence brain function and behavior, as well as how the brain regulates endocrine activity. Finn has authored numerous studies on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, stress responses, and hormonal impacts on cognition and mood. He has edited comprehensive volumes that bridge neuroscience with endocrinology to elucidate brain-hormone interactions. Finn’s work is pivotal in understanding the complex relationships between the nervous system and endocrine signaling, informing treatments for hormonal and neurological disorders.

9781837401062, Neuroendocrinology: Brain Hormone Interactions, Neurology and Neuroscience